This Is Account is not longer supported by me, but i will still publish somethings random times

Bendy @BendyPro12

Stickman (not Gay btw)


What's School?

Alcatraz Prison

Joined on 9/7/22

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BendyPro12's News

Posted by BendyPro12 - 12 days ago

wassup? BP12 here! i wanted to say that some of you probably remember my comic series: BendyPro12 Adventures, well, i wanted to mention that i am on DeviantArt now, with the reboot of the comic's! now as: BendyPro12's-Adventures, yeah, there isn't much difference with the name, so i will make 2 series, the classic one here, and the new one (that is my now main focus) on DeviantArt, and to difference both we will call them: Old BendyPro12 Adventures (for the classic one), and New BendyPro12's-Adventures (for the new one, obviously), that's all, hope you like the new one's! see ya'

iu_1360257_11840416.pngHere The First Comic Of The Classic: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/bendypro12/bendypro12-adventures-comic-1-webi-wabo


Here's The First Comic of the New Series: https://www.deviantart.com/bendypro12/art/BP12-S-A-Long-Comic-N1-The-Noise-1158085390


Posted by BendyPro12 - 1 month ago

you may ask why i hate this day? well it's simple, the nonsense gifts like giant teddy bears, those ballons that end up in the floor like empty bags, the cringy people asking to their crush in the street if they wanna be in a relationship, the idiots that say that every girl (or boy) are the same because they have no one to be with, and of course, those couples that are kissing everywhere 24/7 to let everyone know they are in a relationship


Posted by BendyPro12 - December 24th, 2024

merry christmas for everyone!


Posted by BendyPro12 - November 13th, 2024

hi everyone, BP12 here, surprise to see me? well i am here just to say the reasones why i leaved newgrounds.

1: first of all was M-bot, since 2023 many of my draws had been deleated for "not following the rules", but went someone copies draws or makes things that aren't allowed, i don't see it having problems

2: the second reasone was the time, went i started in 2022 i had a lot of time, but from 2023, things we're terrible, i couldn't done anything in time, or even make a simple draw.

3: the third one was motivations, my motivations we're start here and have some popularity, and with that expand to Youtube, Twitter, and others, but with M-bot deleating and my time becoming shorter. i didn't had motivations to stay or even continue my comic series that now is dead and the reasone my character exists.

4: the reasone number four was that i start having a lot of stress with the secundary, having to studie, and not even have time to turn on my pc

5: other reasone was DeviantArt, that page literally let me put some Draws that newgrounds didn't, not all, but a few.

6: Random... @ElRandomGMD si estás viendo esto tengo que decirte que fuiste una de las razones por que abandone NG, pero no por que te odiara o por que quería que te fueras, sino por que desde que apareciste aquí mi situación fue de mal en bien y de bien a peor, cada vez mis dibujos eran menos vistos y era básicamente tu sombra, y si seguía por más tiempo habían probabilidades de que haya gente que dijera que yo estaba aquí gracias a ti, incluso si estoy desde hace 2 años antes que tu, pero no quiero que te lo tomes mal ni nada, sigo viéndote como un amigo pero cada vez que entro (osea de ves en cuando, casi nunca), y veo como hiciste algo y te felicitaron, o que te hicieron algo para ti como un dibujo, no puedo evitar sentirme mal y preguntarme que hice mal? por que no tengo lo mismo? pero igualmente se que no puedo hacer nada para cambiarlo. y probablemente con el tiempo menciona menos y menos Newgrounds y básicamente desaparezca de los vínculos de mi canal y sea reemplazado por otro.

that will be all my reasones, if you want to see my draws, find me on DeviantArt, i upload draws random times, and if you know spanish, find me on youtube, my channel and my second channel are there. and i am on Reddit doing anything

see ya!

Posted by BendyPro12 - July 5th, 2024

hi everyone, BP12 here, this is my final blog on newgrounds, i already put my final draw, i am leaving to deviant art, maybe there i will have more oportunities that here where my draws get deleted for no reasone, so this is a goodbye to Newgrounds, and a hello to Deviant Art


Posted by BendyPro12 - July 3rd, 2024

I updated my game, some new things like a redesing for the level 12 and 13, and a extra thing for some expansion that i am making: WaterWorld and The_Sun

Version 0.2 Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/152mgw7frkh3m68/A_Very_Hard_Game_0.2.pptx/file

Note: the game was made on microsoft power point 2007, so the first level only work okay on windows 7 and vista, but in the next update i will redesing level 1 just a little

Posted by BendyPro12 - June 29th, 2024

Posted by BendyPro12 - June 13th, 2024

Hey Everyone, BP12 Here, I am making my own game! it will be call: A Very Hard Game, isn´t compleat yet, but here is a demo that you can play!

download the demo here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1lx0s62lxmn7gqy/A_Very_Hard_Game_%2528D.E.M.O%2529.pptx/file

Posted by BendyPro12 - June 10th, 2024

Hey Everyone, BP12 Here I Just Want To Say That I Did A Playlist Of The Michael Jackson Album: Off The Wall

Here Is The Link: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVCNTEUErFWjOP06Z61qqR6czXW_Ql_2g

Enjoy This 1979 Album!


Posted by BendyPro12 - May 1st, 2024

hey everyone, BP12 here, I have to tell you that I'm thinking about leaving newgrounds, I honestly can't stand the fact that my posts are being deleted because supposedly "I'm breaking the rules" when it's a lie, and they think i steal things from others, when I've never do that, I honestly don´t like this anymore, so possibly this is goodbye, plus no one is going to care if I leave